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Blog Tour Review - Looking for Lucie by Amanda Addison

 Blog Tour Review - Looking for Lucie by Amanda Addison "Where are you really from?" It's a question every brown girl in a white-washed town is familiar with, and one that Lucie has never been able to answer. All she knows is that her mother is white, she's never met her father, and she looks nothing like the rest of her family. She can't even talk about it because everyone says it shouldn't matter! Well, it matters to Lucie and-with her new friend Nav, who knows exactly who he is-she's determined to find some answers. What do you do when your entire existence is a question with no answer? You do a DNA test. Looking for Lucie is a fascinating look at what it is like growing up mixed race in contemporary Britain. It's a story about family and culture, and what they can mean for different people, as Lucie tries to figure out where she fits into the world. She doesn't look like any of the rest of her family, and her ethnicity is impossible to figure o

The Seventh Day of Blogmas - Blogger Recognition Award

Good evening,
I got tagged with this by Jennie from, via Twitter. I love tags! I really do. Mainly because I feel like I'm happiest writing within some kind of organised structure. It's lovely to get tagged on things like this when my blog has only been going a week. The book blogger community, especially those I've met on Twitter, have been so lovely and welcoming and supportive. I'm sure there is drama, but it's happening way over there somewhere, out of my sight! So I'm starting with a big thank you to Jennie, and check out her blog

Blogger Recognition Award


  • Write a blog post to show your award
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Select 15 other bloggers to nominate
  • Comment on each blog to let them know you have nominated them. Provide the link to the post you created.

How my blog started

Hmm, let's see if I can remember. It's been so long now.
A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing around other people's blogs, and I saw all this fabulous content and interesting reviews and yeah, tags. And I thought to myself I'd like to do that. Twitter is fine, but you can only really say so much there. Maybe I need a blog.
At the time I was in the middle of NaNoWriMo, so the sensible part of my brain decided that it would be sensible to wait until NaNoWriMo had finished, and to start a blog in December. The other part of my brain decided that in that case I should start by doing this Blogmas thing everyone was talking about, and do a post a day in the 24 days leading up to Christmas. Of course, I listened to both parts, and here I am.
I've pretty much dived into the deep end here. In the new year I'm planning on developing a better theme for this place, with my own headers and some distinctive content. I already have one participatory challenge in mind, that I'll be looking for volunteers for. 

Advice for New Bloggers

  1. Just go for it. If you feel like you've got something to say, say it. Find your voice.
  2. Look at what other people are doing, talk to them, get advice and support (and hopefully they'll help to promote your content) but don't be intimidated by blogs that have been running for a long time. If you stick with it, and put the work in, you can get there too!
So Jennie already tagged a lot of the bloggers I know, and there's no way I can come up with fifteen! But I'm going to tag:


  1. I absolutely love doing tags too, they're my favourite posts (if you couldn't tell from my blog). I've already done this one, but thank you for thinking of Me! Really enjoying your posts so far 😊
    Amy 💜


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