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Blog Tour Review - Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Blog Tour Review - Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky To fix the world they first must break it further. Humanity is a dying breed, utterly reliant on artificial labor and service. When a domesticated robot gets a nasty little idea downloaded into their core programming, they murder their owner. The robot then discovers they can also do something else they never did before: run away. After fleeing the household, they enter a wider world they never knew existed, where the age-old hierarchy of humans at the top is disintegrating, and a robot ecosystem devoted to human wellbeing is finding a new purpose. There is so much to love in Service Model, but one of the things I most love about it is the peculiar blend of charming innocence and insightful cynicism. Uncharles the domestic robot is such a simple soul (though he would state that he has no soul and this is an inaccurate description). He approaches the end of the world with optimism and hope, or whatever equivalent to these emotions h

Six for Sunday - most anticipated books of 2018

Six for Sunday

The Twelfth Day of Blogmas - Journeys around Middle Earth

The Eleventh Day of Blogmas - Bookish Naughty List Tag

The Tenth Day of Blogmas - Six For Sunday

The Ninth Day of Blogmas - Christmas baking

The Eighth Day of Blogmas - reading with children

The Seventh Day of Blogmas - Blogger Recognition Award

The Sixth Day of Blogmas - A Christmas Book Tag

The Fifth Day of Blogmas - Christmas Tag

Fourth Day of Blogmas - My NaNoWriMo

The Third Day of Blogmas - Six for Sunday

The Second Day of Blogmas - An A to Z trip around my bookshelves. Part Two

The First Day of Blogmas - An A to Z trip around my bookshelves. Part One.