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My Book of the Year

 My Book of the Year Just use this handy little diagram to work out whether your book is the BookWormHole Book of the Year. Good luck!

Inside Out Challenge

"Omg liam that is GENIUS!!! XXX" - Anna Day, author of The Fandom.
"This is hard Liam!" - Charlotte, Charlotte Somewhere.
"Inside Out was HARD" - Cora, Tea Party Princess
"The bloody damn thing took me hours." - Aimee Louise, Summer Reads, Moonlight Dreams.

I'm very pleased with my little challenge post. It was inspired in part by the Desert Island Books challenges over on A Little But A Lot which I always enjoyed reading and got to take part in.

Here are all of the challenge posts collected in one place.

The introduction post, explaining all about the challenge and my thinking behind it can be found here.

Author R.J. Furness tried the Inside Out challenge here.

Moon from Moon light and Dreams tried the challenge here.

Aimee from Summer Reads and Moonlight Dreams claims that the challenge turned her brain to mush here.

Charlotte from Charlotte Somewhere found some emotions in her swinging brick heart here.

Rebecca from This Booky Place took the challenge here.

Cora from Tea Party Princess took the challenge here.

Kelly from This Northern Gal was the first to include photos with her response here.

Carrie from Cat on the Bookshelf gave this response to the challenge

Amy from Amiie's Books took the challenge here.

Hannah from A Cup of Wonderland's challenge post can be found here.

Kelly from Kelly's Rambles took it here.

Chantel from Cozy Bookish Life was my first international challenger here.

Amy from Golden Books Girl was our very first challenger, here.

If you want to give it a try, please get in touch. Easiest way is to send me a DM on Twitter at @notsotweets or leave a comment below.


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